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This gallery is a collection of windows on people, ideas, special events, etc., related to the kasàlà.

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Kasàlà. Celebrating the identity.

Kasàlà is the celebration of the identity of a person. Stemming from the African orality, this art consists in praising someone or oneself. The strelitzia symbolizes it in many ways: inner flame that springs, diversity of colors and senses, explosion of boundaries...

Happy Birthday !

Kasàlà card for Maman Christiane Mujawingoma Rugira's 80th Birthday.

Jacques Hillion, Ph.D

Among other things, Jacques teaches writing workshops. He unexpectedly contributed to the arrival of kasàlà in Rimouski, which was promoted at the Summer University 2012 under Prof. J.M. Rugira's initiative.

Diana Sainsily, Orthophonist.

Diana, also known as Diana Mukùnze or Diana The Red One, is a strong Kasàlà practician and advocate. She efficiently disseminates it around her by teaching workshops in Montreal and in the Carribean.

A kasàlà in forms & textures.

A TRUE ODE TO FRIENDSHIP, by Ito Laïla Le François (LF). In her very personal interpretation of the ritual, LF celebrates the strong women of her inner circle, and reconnects with herself with clarity and serenity. However, instead of words, she uses materials to create her recited poem. Her kasàlà is crafted and sculpted in the image of her friends and muses with the use of glass, ceramic, wool… adorned with feathers, hides, and found objects.

Dr. Jacques Mulongo, Physician.

Jacques has followed the evolution of the kasàlà as a concept and as an art ever since its beginning in the nineties. He's been writing marvelous kasàlàs for family and friends on various occasions. He also uses it as a therapeutic tool with his patients.


Nadine knows how to use the kasàlà to get somebody fall in love.

Fanny Kabatusuila

Fanny, also known as Congolese Queen Diambi Mukalenge Mukaji wa Nkashaama wa Kabatusuila wa Tshiyooyo wa Bakwa Indu wa Baluba Kasaayi is a strong supporter and promoter of the kasàlà and African culture in the USA and elsewhere.

Delphine Gérard.

Delphine Gérard has moved from a professional architect to an inspiring creative writing teacher. Progressively, she has become a gifted kasàlà writer and performer. She successfully combines it with biodanza and teaches it in Europe and Canada. She is the director of the NPO Kasàlà in Belgium.

Al Azi: Praise, Pride & Fortitude

Al Azi is a traditional poetry recital performed by a group of individuals without rhythmical or musical instruments. It consists of a full-rhymed poem based on traditional poetry and the lines of poetry are sometimes interposed with sayings and proverbs. Bearers and practitioners include the poet, performer, chorus and audience. The practice strengthens bonds and is connected with knowledge and practices related to nature.

Anne De Smet, Coach.

With Momentum Coaching I coach and accompany people in their search towards the realization of their dreams. I'm the living example of the saying 'you are never too old to learn'. Indeed, coaching was not my first calling. After an interesting career at the Catholic University of Leuven, I started my own company as Professional Conference Organiser, which fitted some of my talents well, and I discovered a fascinating world of science and innovation. I then followed the fruitful path of coaching.

Wivine Hynderick.

Wivine Hynderick is Project Director at Echos Communication. She particularly directed the "Harubuntu" and the "Récits migratoires" projects. Thanks to her and her collaborators, Kasàlà has become one of the main tools in the organisation. She has taught Kasàlà workshops in Belgium, Morocco and other African countries.

Jean Humpich. Lecturer UQAR.
Julien Munganga. UQAR student.
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